The Partiologist: Push Pops - Day 4 - Santa

Push Pops - Day 4 - Santa

Now this is a Push Pop I can be proud of, I think.  After making the Elf, I decided I should make a Santa so they could hang out together, and it is one of my favorites. 

Santa Push Pop

All I used was ribbon (Hobby Lobby), silver card stock and a punch.

If you hurry, Hobby Lobby has their Christmas Ribbon half off!

Just measure out the ribbon and glue down the back of the push pop and make Santa's Belt.

There you have it, my favorite and the easiest.

And I even like the cookies I made to go inside!

You know what I say, fake it don't make it!

Looks like Johnny was naughty and Santa had to fill his bag with coal (black jelly beans). 

Ho Ho Ho! 


  1. This is the best one yet!! I love that ribbon!

  2. JUST AWESOME!!!!!!! you must have sugar plums dancing in your head. twobeautifulgirls

  3. Another great idea. I just love these. I can't wait to see every day what you have ready for a project.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Saw this on Design Dazzle & it caught my eyes - I love the look of this - well done... and PS - I share your "fake it philosophy" - well done!

    Linda x

  5. Very cute. No Hobby Lobby around here. Love that ribbon, though.


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