The Partiologist: Oh Christmas Cookie Tree!

Oh Christmas Cookie Tree!

There was ONE way I wanted to package these cookies.  Remember those clear glass jars, shaped like trees and the top of the tree came off?  Well, back in the day I had my share of them, I filled them, gifted them, used them year after year.  Then I got rid of them, because I thought I had used them for everything.  NOT!

Fast forward twenty years or so, they aren't anywhere to be found.  Which means I needed to switch gears to plan C...plan A & B both included the jars.  It's probably a good thing I didn't find the jars because I really like both ways this Christmas Cookie Tree turned out.

Oh Christmas Cookie Tree!

And here's the best part, it doesn't need watering.
Your guests will eat the tree and all that will be left are crumbs to clean, no pine needles.
And I just LOVE when all my tree lights stay lit!
Are you ready to decorate your tree?
Sometimes my projects can get a little complicated.
Not today.
Only a few hundred cookies and you're done.
Depending on the size you want your tree, maybe  8',  9' or even 10'? 
Just kidding, this tree has to fit on a plate.
Anyway, bake several small Christmas bulb cookies.
Mix up several colors of royal icing.
Fill in all the cookies with the bright colored royal icing.
Pipe a tiny swish of white across the side to make them glow.
After you have all the bulbs colored, add the grey for the, hmmm what is that called?
You know, the bottom of the light bulb.
Just squiggle of a bit of grey frosting across the bottom of the light.
Now you're ready to plug them in to see if they work.
It's a miracle, each and every one work.
Add a star cookie to the top and a rectangle cookie for the tree stand.
 Or no cookie to the bottom.
Just a cute little clip art.
Hmmm, this would make the perfect Christmas card, wouldn't it? 
Okay, consider this my Christmas Card to you! 
Now back to the cookies.
Here's another way to serve the cookies...which was my original idea for this set.
But then reality struck and I realized ain't nobody got time for that.
Unless, you're bored and want to make the zig zag tree, go for it!
I placed green ribbon in a zig zag and arranged the cookie bulbs before decorating.
Then I placed the bulbs, one by one and oh so precisely.
It was at that moment I could not imagine ANYONE doing this during the hustle and bustle.
Anyway you decorate your cookie tree, it will be beautiful and every bulb will stay lit.
It's my Christmas wish for you...may all your lights burn bright and never burn out.
 Season's Treatings!


  1. oh you are such a light Kim! how bright you shine with these!!! :)

  2. How cool are these cookie trees? You are just so clever and talented and amazing and fun!!!! Hugs.

  3. This light tree is beautiful. Those colorful lights look so realistic, not a detail was missed!! What a beautiful display this would make at any party or Christmas gathering. You did it again!!! from,twobeautifulgirls

    1. The best part about it is, the lights always stay lit...until they disappear! :)

  4. You can have your tree and eat it too! I just love this sweet awesome! :o)

  5. Beautiful! I've selected your post as my Editor's Pick from last week's party. You will be featured this week at the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! Get there early -- 7pm ET Tuesday! Congrats ♥ Sinea

    1. How exciting!! Thank you, I'll be there early for sure! :)

  6. Cute, cute, cute! I wish I had seen this before Christmas! Maybe I could make this for 3 King's Day. I just have to make it for fun! I'd love it if you shared this at Tumbleweed Contessa 2015 The Best Of party.
    Wishes for a tasty 2016, Linda


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