The Partiologist: Sno-Cone Cupcakes!

Sno-Cone Cupcakes!

I think I have a cure for the case of the Monday's.  I really, REALLY wanted to have Sno-Cones at the Circus.  I knew the real thing would be a little messy and I don't like having to deal with a mess during a party.  I am there for the entertainment.  I am the entertainment.  Anyway, I figured out a way to have my Sno-Cone and eat it too!

And they didn't melt!  I placed them each in a glass of "ice" which are really crystal gemstones~

Now here's my little trick - the dome shape at the top is also cake!!  Here's how I made them.  Start with some white cone shaped paper cups~
Now the Step By Step By Step By Step...
Place paper cups in empty cans.
Spray cups with Pam.
Fill with cake batter.
After you go to all the trouble with the cans find a cupcake baking rack, like I did!
After the cupcake cones are baked, place them in the rack. (Dillards)
Fill a mini half circle baking pan (Wilton) with cake batter.  (First spray with Pam)
After baking, flip cake domes out on parchment.
Cut the bottom flat.  (Eat the scraps)
Top cone shaped cupcakes with frosting.
Top with cake domes.
Pipe Yellow frosting across the middle and sprinkle with yellow sugar crystals.
Continue with red and sprinkle.
Finish with blue and sprinkle.

Hang in there, you're almost finished!
Before displaying, add another cone wrapper to cover any grease spots that appeared after baking.

Now you've got your Sno-Cone and you can eat it too!
Melts in your mouth, not down your hand!

It's a Cool & Sweet, Circus Treat!

I'm Your One Clown Show!


  1. Now that's a sno-cone I'd like to eat! What a wonderful and very fun idea!


  2. These look like the real deal!!! Love the way you displayed them in the glasses!

  3. These are adorable!! Where in the world did you find your cupcake baking rack? I have never seen one before.

    1. Thanks so much! I found the little rack at the Dillards Department Store.

  4. Looks absolutely adorable....lots of work and a big search for your followers to find your cooling rack (you might have said where you found it)

    Question...Is it safe to assume you used little white glass/stones/? instead of ice? Wouldn't the ice make the bottom of the cone wet and the cake soggy?

    Also, wasn't it messy to have people cut the paper cone to eat the cake?

    I'm excited to say it all LOOKS FANTASTIC....but highly probably wouldn't be done by many of your faithful followers.

    1. So glad you enjoyed looking and sorry you don't feel you have it in you to make them. I've updated the information for the "ice" which are gemstones (I thought you could tell by the photo). Also updated where you can purchase the rack, sorry I don't have a link for the item. Since the paper cones were sprayed with Pam - the little cakes popped right out. Hope this answers all of your questions.

  5. My girls loved the idea, as soon as they saw them they wanted to make them. We can't wait to do them on a cool rainy summer day and pretend like we are having a heat wave and the real deal. Love the idea, thanks for the inspiration. We may make a mess but it will be a blast. from,twobeautifulgirls

  6. Love it! Oh, and Happy National Sugar Cookie Day!!


  7. Those look awesome! So smart & I can imagine they were pretty tasty too! I'm gonna share your blog post on my fb page. Gotta make sure others see your great idea! <3 Heidi Rew from Parties for Pennies

  8. So fun! I love the bright colors. I'm glad you found your cupcake pan, but I thought your idea of using the cans was genius!

  9. So FUN! You are very talented and creative, Kim! So perfectly done!

  10. oooh I've been wanting to make these. So cute!

  11. OMG... why didn't I see this post sooner. I made snocone cupcakes for my daughter's carnival party, but this post would have helped me tremendously. I need to find that cupcake cone holder. I searched and searched for something like that with no luck. Mine came out good, but these are great. :-)I know I have a pic posted on my instagram (cakegirl07)but not sure if there is a pic on the blog.

  12. FYI: I was able to find the cupcake holder on for under $13.00 shipped. Hope this helps!



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