The Partiologist: Elegant Bridal Brunch!

Elegant Bridal Brunch!

I try and wait until the end of my party posts to show you the table...So today is the day you'll get to see one of my favorite elegant party tables.  Most of the time, my parties are far from elegant. Not this time.
(Click on photos for larger view)
Get ready to WOW your Crowd! 

Welcome to the Elegant Bridal Shower Brunch
 I've had the table cloth, chair covers and napkins for awhile, waiting for the perfect time to use them.  I think I found the perfect time.
After ironing the table cloth, 12 chair covers and12 napkins, I was finally ready to put it all together.  It took awhile to figure out just how to tie the chair bow just right...
I hope I remember how I did it the next time I want to tie them! 
Take a look at the windows~
I love to add decor to my windows~
Four mini white paper globes hung on tulle beneath each white paper parasol.
Anyone notice the climate change outdoors?  Yes, I always decorate a week before the party, allowing time for any minor changes.  Within the week, it had snowed, then it was sunny and warm just in time for the party!
Diamond crystals filled the candlesticks holding white candles. 
Before the candles were lit...
And white flowers were wrapped around each goblet stem.
Napkins were wrapped and held tight with a buttoned napkin ring.
And a special place for the BRIDE~
I had a couple surprises at the table~
Each guest had their very own mini tiered wedding cake...
And not so mini cookie...
Another surprise was beside these candles...
a surprise you'll have to wait to see!
I hope you enjoyed this elegant bridal shower. 
The next party is...FAR from elegant!
 A Bridal Brunch is Monday's Lunch!


  1. That is absolutely beautiful, you are an artist!

  2. Beautiful! I looked at the picture of your window decorations and noticed the snow right away. It sure has been a crazy year for weather. I'm glad you ended up with a beautiful sunny day for your shower. Everything looks so wonderful. I can imagine how honored the bride to be felt by having you host her shower.

    1. For sure crazy spring weather! Erin was a very happy Bride to be! :)


  3. So pretty in all white! Just love all your ideas. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Everything is gorgeous. Love the square cookie favor.

    1. Thank you Kathy! The cookies were one of my favorites too!

  5. Oh, this is just gorgeous, Kim!!! I love all of your special touches and flair that is so you! A truly lovely party!

    1. Thanks Tracy - I really had a fun time putting this party together!

  6. So beautiful. Love all the white with touches of grey and yellow. I think the parasols over the windows are my favorite. A great touch. from,twobeautifulgirls

    1. The parasols were one of my favorite parts of the décor too! Thanks for noticing!

  7. what a gorgeous table! the mini cakes are great!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous Kim. Such a beautiful set up and you really didn't leave out any details. Top-Notch!

    1. Aww thanks Hani! I tried to get everything done that I had on my to do list!

  9. Definitely elegant! Everything is so pretty and bridal ... I love the mini wedding cakes ;)

  10. So elegant and gorgeous, Kim! Wow!! I would love to attend one of your beautiful parties :)

    1. If you're ever in Colorado, give me a call - chances are, I'm about to have a party! :)

  11. Elegant with a capital E. I love everything you did for this gathering and I love how much natural light comes in through your beautiful windows.

    P.S. I hope you do a tutorial on those cookies, they are fabulous. Or perhaps you have done it already and I missed it?

    1. Thank you Paula - I am happy to hear you would like a tutorial on my cookies - I haven't done one yet, so I'll have to get one done!

  12. you are amazing Kim!

  13. So now I want to get Married the same man of course!

  14. This is the most elegant shower I've ever seen. And I was the M.O.B so I got to see it in person!
    The bride & I felt so special. It truly was spectacular!
    Thanks Kim. You are incredible!!

  15. hey i must've missed the invite in the mail-i surely wouldn't have missed this party! LOL (just kidding) seriously though, this is a Beauty with a capital B! :>D

    1. Thank you Lisa - I would LOVE for you to attend one of my parties!

  16. Beautiful party. I love when I have party items in hiding and then the perfect party comes along so I can use them. And what a VIEW from your dining room. I want to know what state you live in. Love the big space of nothing, no house to look at. Those mini wedding cakes for each guest were a wonderful touch.

    1. Thanks Tiffany! We live in Colorado and LOVE it here!

  17. Sorry, but: what was the surprise beside the candles? Did I miss something?
    You're Amazing as Always...


    1. Oh no, you haven't missed anything - it hasn't been posted yet! :)


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