The Partiologist: Dancing the Maypole!

Dancing the Maypole!

Every year May Day comes and goes without celebration.  Back in the day and I do mean the day, I not only ran door to door passing out May Baskets, I actually "danced" around the May Pole.  It was a huge celebration at my school, so huge, we had a May Day Program.  We practiced for days, weaving in and out, getting tangled, untangled, practiced and practiced. 
One of the years, we all dressed up from different countries, I was dressed from Sweden, with the cutest little dress and wooden shoes.  I don't remember exactly, but I do think it was hard to dance around the May Pole in wooden shoes.  Imagine.
For years I've wanted to have a May Day Party and dance around the May Pole for old times sake.  Because it won't happen any time soon, I decided to let my cupcakes do the dancing.
May Day Cupcakes

This is about as authentic as it gets.
Our May Pole was made from wood, painted white, just like the one for the cupcakes.
Along with bright colored strips of fabric.  At the end of each piece of fabric was a child.
Or a cupcake.
Are you ready to have your cupcakes dance the May Pole?
You probably know how the cupcakes were made.
Once the cupcakes were baked, I made white cupcake papers with my Cricut. 
And filled each paper with a cupcake before decorating.
While running my Cricut, my daughter asked, "Why don't you just buy cupcake papers?". 
That is another option, buy cupcake papers.
Now let's make the flowers.
Using this cutter which is part of a set, I made bright colored flowers out of fondant to match the ribbon.
Place each flower into a Wilton flower former and let dry overnight.  (Dust the former with powdered sugar to be sure the flower won't stick as it dries.)
Also cut out a yellow center for each flower.
Using a jumbo round pastry tip and buttercream frosting, I piped a swirl around the top of each cupcake.
Immediately add the fondant flower.
Now it's time to grab your construction hat and make the May Pole.
Find a wooden dowel, a round end piece and another piece for the base.
Paint each piece of wood with white paint.
Cut ribbon to fit from the top of the May Pole to reach the cupcake.
On the flat side of the round piece, hot glue the ribbon.
Turn the piece over and glue to the top.

Pull the ribbon out and add a cupcake to the top. 
Trim the excess ribbon.
Now the cupcakes are ready to dance.
How about you?  Are you ready to do a little pole dancing?
Happy May Day!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it the idea of the May Pole a great way to start the month? :)

  2. Darling! And I remember May Day and the May Pole at school too. I once made a table centerpiece inspired by the May Pole, but sadly, mine didn't have delectable cupcakes at the end of the ribbons. I'll have to remember your idea for a future party/event.

    1. Well, Lisa, you'll just have to add cupcakes! LOL Great memories! :)

  3. I've never danced around a pole of any sort but I did dance in wooden shoes once and that was tricky. I love how you created the May pole using cupcakes. It's so clever and really pretty.

    1. Ha ha, no dancing around poles - wooden shoes might be even harder than stilettos to dance in! :)

  4. I remember dancing around the Maypole as a kid at our local park. And your Maypole and cupcakes are adorable!

    1. Thank you Anne, I think we need to bring back the tradition of the May Pole! :)

  5. oh gosh i never danced around a maypole either but i'd certainly be up to dance around this one grabbing a cupcake one at a time :)

    1. Dancing the maypole was such fun, grabbing cupcakes would be sweeter! :)

  6. Love your dancing cupcakes! And your fun memories, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Michelle - I do have great memories of May Day!

  7. Wondering where to find the set that you used to cut the flowers. Very cute!!

  8. What fun memories you have of May Day and what a super fun way to display your pretty cupcakes. Love the May Pole !

    1. Thank you Karen, I did have a good time dancing down memory lane! :)


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