Baby it's COLD outside! And I'm not just singing a song, today the high is going to be 21 degrees and we're covered in snow. I love snow, I love cold, I love to be inside when it's snowy and cold. Inside eating brownies with snowflakes.
Snowflake Brownies!
Wilton coarse sanding sugar.
Cut several small snowflakes from white fondant with a plunger cutter.
Set aside.
Make your favorite brownie recipe.
Cut the brownies into bars.
Pour the sanding sugar into a paper plate.
Press the brownie into the sugar, covering all sides.
Pipe a small white dot of frosting onto the top corner of the brownie.
Top with a white snowflake.
In the center of each snowflake, pipe another dot of white frosting.
Add a silver dragree to the center of each.
And you now can enjoy the snow from the inside out.
Grab a jacket, more snow is in the forecast...
Snow Kidding!
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Kim we are in Connecticut and we are NOT having New England weather. The heat is off and the front door is open. It has been very strange. We actually have tulip shoots coming up. This is not good. It is supposed to snow sometime this week. Enjoy your snow.
ReplyDeleteWow, that is strange! As much as I don't like being cold, I LOVE to be cold on Christmas, it just feels right! :)