The Partiologist: Fiesta Themed Cookies!

Fiesta Themed Cookies!

It's not a Fiesta, unless it involves cookies!

Fiesta Themed Cookies!

After mixing all the colors, I needed a Siesta.

But I loved the way they turned out, so I was happy I went to all the work.

My favorite were the hand painted Serapes.

Another favorite were the PiƱatas.

Next are the sombreros.

What would a fiesta be without Music?

And Chili Peppers.

Cactus to set the mood.

And Maracas for shaking.

It's a FIESTA!

Check out the Fiesta I hosted many years ago HERE.

So. Much. Fun.  Ole Ole...

Cha Cha Cha!


  1. So colorful and fun. I love the Maraca cookies. I miss seeing your amazing parties. You really went all out.

    1. Thanks so much! Stay tuned, I have THREE parties I'll soon be sharing! :)


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