The Partiologist: Honeycomb Cookies!

Honeycomb Cookies!

It's wouldn't be a party without sugar cookies and it wouldn't be a BEE themed party without Honeycomb Cookies.  Truly the easiest cookies to make, with just a bit of planning.
Honeycomb Cookies!
Are you ready to made a cookie honeycomb?
I made a Bumble Bee cookie to place on the top and decided I didn't like it.  Adding the little bumble bees were the perfect touch.  At least I thought...keep reading.
I started by making sure the cookies would fit on my platter and then I made a few extra.  Just in case.

I was planning to use the black rectangle platter to serve them on at the party.

So I cut small hexagon shapes from paper and placed them on the platter.  That way I knew how many cookies I would need to bake.

After they were baked, I made my icing and colored it with gold food color.

To give them a honeycomb, I airbrushed using yellow airbrush color with a bit of brown added.

I sprayed the cookies a little darker and some lighter.

After arranging them on the platter, I knew they needed bumble bees.  This is when I made a cookie and really didn't like it.  So I added the tiny bees which are super cute, right?

I decided to show my family my original plan, the honeycomb with the bee cookie on top.  And guess what?

They liked it.  In fact, they loved it.  So I placed it on the top of the honeycomb and instantly realized I needed to make a black fondant rope to show the bee had been buzzing.

So which bee do you prefer?  The tiny royal icing bees, or the sugar cookie bee?
To Bee or not to Bee?


  1. I love the bee buzzing across the honeycomb cookies. So cute!

    1. After I put it together, I loved it too! Thank you!

  2. Both are adorable but my vote goes to that single large bee sugar cookie. I love how it looks like it's flying across the honey comb cookies. So creative! From, twobeautifulgirls

    1. Thank you! I think everyone thought the same and I was so glad it switched it to the one single large Bee too!

  3. I love them both! I have a friend who is a honey beekeeper.


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